– you had a stroke? So young?!?
– no, I was older – I would to reply that way for every single comment of this kind.
I find this question stupid. I really don’t know how to respond. I found some ways to handle it.
To say „yes” and add one of my hospital stories, is one of them. It shows others that I really been trough a lot but I’m handling. Usually I also add the most likely cause of my stroke, not to give others reason to whisper behind my back about a fat girl who smoked too much…
Not that I care too much, but a bit I do. You should know that brain stroke is rather an illness of eldery (age is main risk factor, sorry), but it can hit anyone, anytime. In one of the British sites on strokes I read that one in four people suffering is in working age or younger, even small children. Hey, 1 in 4, 25% of us, that’s a huge amount!
And still more and more young people suffer from it. Doctors suspect that we should blame our lifestyle. On the other hand half of a year ago I read an interview with neurologist who said that average age of having a stroke is growing, but media is collecting our attention for young people. I’m not sure which info is true, in the end these don’t have to exclude each other;)
Yes, I’m the unlucky one to be young survivor, I was 25 when it happened. I know that it will make my life difficult for years. But I feel special, in a way;) Personally I know only two survivors under 30, and over 60 – tens…. In this unlucky thing there is some luck: my brain plasticity is still huge, so my „brainholes” can be replaed veeeeery soon. I just have to work on it as hard as possible. And I do:)