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my stroke spasticity

How great is my christmas gift? Great for spasticity i think:)

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One of my Christmas gifts is:


since I’ve started with hydro-massages my foot is much less stiff. For example: all my toes  touch the ground.

But lately I’ve been sick and been spending time in bed. And i realised that my spasticity got bigger. AGain. I will go back to my massages as soon as possible. It’s good to know, that my hydro-massager for feet works well. I want to assure you that these are not pointless.

Another person who got such gift from Santa also claims that her foot hurts bit less:) That means that we can recommend it to you:) Me, for sure!:)

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Drink water, it’s good for your brain(;

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water, drining waterWe hear it always and everywhere. Drink water, drink water, drink water, at least 1,5 l a day, drink water, drink water to stay fit and healthy, drink water, drink water, drink water to get rid of toxins, drink water…. Yeah, for me it’s also boring. I don’t even like water, I feel as if it was for horses and preferably I would drink only juices (all that sugar, blah!), coffee with milk (dehydrating, awful!) and Coke zero (blah, just awful, blah!).


When (finally) my doctors said that they can take me off the drip-bags I had to promise them to rink at least 1,5 l of water plus fluids given for meals. That was much more than 2 liters, I could even drink more! Without it recovery would be more difficult, cause our neurons need it. Really!

Still I try to remember about it, but I’m only human and I tend to forget about important things. When I realize that I haven’t drunken enough I just go to the kitchen and drink big glass of tap water, without bothering myself with lemon, mint and so on…

Of course, hydrating yourself is important for bunch of reasons, but only problems of my brain could convince me that ‚horse drink’ (as we used to call it) is worth putting on my diet. For me there is no question whether the glass if half full or half empty anymore. It should be empty. And empty. And again empty.