My brain stroke blog » Wrzesień 3, 2018

Daily Archives: Wrzesień 3, 2018

my stroke stroke survivors

Insomnia after a stroke – our common trouble.

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Well, unfortunately. Stroke survivors, in this sphere, are in the doghouse too. Insomnia after a stroke is more common than among healthy people.

Who would have expected? ; )

You know what? I am writing this text at 5 a.m., so there is a grain of truth in it. : )

It`s our tough luck. At last, you have a little time to sleep off toils of life after a stroke and over half of us suffer from insomnia. Studies have shown that stroke survivors generally:

  • fall asleep with more difficulty (mememe!)
  • wake up more often (also me!)
  • suffer from a lower quality of sleep (probably me…
  • fall asleep for a nap harder (is it me?).

Ok, I admit. I had problems with sleep before the stroke too. But periodical. Now, if I sleep through the night, I jump (mentally of course ;p) with joy. Continue reading