I left neurology ward and I’m both happy (because it’s good to be back home) and unhappy, very, very, very unhappy, as nothing, again nothing is found. Nothing that can cause stroke(s).
Nothing. Healthy woman. I just keep stroking every two years. Does it really happen?
I feel like a patient who’s had the most diagnostic tests in Poland when it comes to brain strokes. Loads of money, many people we know in different useful places and bit of luck havent helped me to find the cause of my stroke.
There are few checkups I have in mind. we can conduct that. And visit at endycronologist and rheumatologist. And my blood was taken to check extremely rare genetic condition. There is a chance like 1 to milion(s).
But the fact is: when there is effect, there must be also the cause.
But it’s not that bad. My stay was actually all right. I heard few things that i should laugh about. Or cry, i’m not sure now. Anyway:
- I know that does’t sound very medically, but right now you need to count a bit on providence
- We are leaning to the possibility that all was just metabolic syndrome.Quick googling the term and… it’s just nicer name for being fat. I don’t really fit into whole description of metabolic syndrome, but who cares. It can be this. But there are two problems. First: i don’t believe that, second: that diagnosis doesn’t end my anxiety. there is no possibility to confirm that and I will have to fight my fear in some other way.
- Your instance is the one we are all discussing 🙂
There were better things:
- Ward was beautiful and comfortable. Whole hospital not so much, but my place was just perfect.
- Everything and everyone was so friendly there!
- I wasn’t bored at all.
- I had lumbar puncture. It ruled out some things in my case and still it’s a new experience.
- I’ve been seing one of my best friends frequently. And I wouldn’t see my other friends if I didn’t go there!:)
Well, that’s basically it. I was dissapointed a bit, but now I’m better. I’m kind of weird one among my friends, reacting with sadness for informations like „all tests are ok, results are negative”.
I know that cause of stroke doesnt have to be found, but that doesn’t make me any happier. I’m going to search for the reasons more and more:)