in my opinion Uncategorized

If something is clear for a person with aphasia, it’s clear for everyone

source: flickr.comDuring the discussion about aphasia someone said that if something is clear for a person with aphasia, it’s gonna be clear for everyone.

I understand it. We were talking about website for strokies.  But many strokies have aphasia (some data I’ve read says that 1/3). And to tell the truth that site wouldn’t helpful to a person suffering from aphasia at all. How it could be if it was full of text and irrelevant pictures?

But it’s Internet. Despite the fact that in some countries (Norway for example, as a Norwegian girl told us) it’s obligatory to adjust websites to the needs of disabled, I doubt that someone was thinking about aphasiac people (such expression exists?) talking about these adjustments.

There are different types of aphasia, so let’s assume that our heroine is not able to read anything and speak. She goes to the Office in which she gets a discount card for trains. She knows what she has to do and more or less when she needs to go, but she’s never been there.

The place can be found on a John Paul II street in Szczecin (my home city). Information board (written of course) is put there between millions of other boards (I didn’t count it as I can’t count till million;p) It’s extremely easy to miss for person who reads and for our heroine impossible. Any remedies possible? I’m not sure… Companies use their logos. Polish  public offices have always same signboard – white letters on red background. There is not much difference between „The National Office of Controlling very dangerous things” and „13th high school”.

People dealing with aphasia have to deal with it. But it’s And I have a sad impression that he big markets are more aphasia-friendly than public offices, at least shops use logos and are pretty consistent about it. I don’t know. Maybe a wish of improving the access for another group is impossible fantasy, but till not a long ago ramps for wheelchairs in many places were also a dream. even a simple system of easy recognizable signs would be helpful (also for foreigners!)

wouldn’t it?

yes. I know that this is not aphasia friendly website. And I can’t do anything about it because I’m not a programmer. If I was a great painter I could paint some things… Using symbols is not that bad idea;)


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